Repository Overview

High Level Source Code Structure

The source code is separated in a main and a tests folder. main contains the actual source code and tests contains only source code which is used to test the application.


On the top level we have the separation between components, i18n, packages, scenes, services and utils.

  1. components contains all non diagram type specific react components. It contains all the components the user uses to interact with.

  2. i18n contains the json files with the translations of string keys in different languages

  3. packages contains the code which is specific to UML diagram types. A package describes one UML diagram type (location: src/main/packages/) and has:

    • a component for each UML element type available in the specific UML diagram type, which describes the appearance of the elements. (Reference example)

For example in src/main/packages/uml-object-diagram exists

  • uml-object-attribute

  • uml-object-link

  • uml-object-method

  • uml-object-name

  • a xxx-preview.ts class which creates a preview of all available UML elements of the UML diagram. This preview is used in the side-panel, which the user can use to drag new elements onto the canvas.

  • a index.ts file which defines a enum for all diagram element and diagram relationship types

  1. scenes contains classes which describe the application is build up and a svg class which is used for exporting the diagram as a svg

  2. services contains the code which is responsible for the application state update

  3. utils contains utility code


Right now the tests folder mirrors the main folder as of now only unit tests exist. This can be changed in the future if a new kind of test gets added it might makes sense to separate them accordingly to the different kind of tests.

Detailed Repository Structure

This is an overview of the files and folders in the repository together with a short description to indicate what the file/folder is used for.

|-- .github                                                     # github templates and workflows for github actions
|-- docs                                                        # ReadTheDoc files to build the documentation
|-- public                                                      # test application code
|-- src                                                         # src of the apollon library
|   |-- components                                              # all react components, also contains all components for interaction with the user
|   |   |-- assessment                                          # assesment-component (content of assesment popup)
|   |   |-- canvas                                              # canvas and functionality on canvas, e.g. key-event listener
|   |   |-- connectable
|   |   |   |-- connection-preview                              # generic connection-preview, handles user interaction with connection-preview elements
|   |   |   |-- uml-relationship-preview                        # look of connection preview
|   |   |-- controls                                            # generic controls components which are used throughout the application
|   |   |-- create-pane                                         # create-pane on the side bar which can be used to create UML elements per drag and drop
|   |   |-- draggable                                           # contains code for generic drag and drop concept + draggable layer, which is used to create
|   |   |   |-- draggable                                       # defines user interaction with draggable components (only adds interaction listeners to component)
|   |   |   |-- draggable-context                               # defines how the react context for drag and drop elements look like
|   |   |   |-- draggable-layer                                 # defines conceptually a layer on which elements are dragged and then dropped. Updates the position of the ghost and creates the drop event
|   |   |   |-- drop-event                                      # defines how the drop event looks like
|   |   |   |-- droppable                                       # defines user interaction with droppable components (only adds interaction listeners to component)
|   |   |   |-- ghost                                           # container which contains the dragged HTML-Element
|   |   |   |-- with-draggable                                  # gives access to draggable-context properties
|   |   |-- i18n                                                # takes care that components are localized
|   |   |-- sidebar                                             # sidebar, containing create-pane and modeling/interactive tab
|   |   |-- store                                               # manages application state
|   |   |-- style-pane                                          # contains color selector implementation
|   |   |-- theme                                               # provides theme
|   |   |-- uml-element                                         # HOCs which implement user interaction which then results in a service call to implement the effect
|   |   |   |-- assessable                                      # HOC for styling components with assessments depending on their score
|   |   |   |-- connectable                                     # HOC for connecting and reconnecting components, also adds the ports to a component which can be used as connection source and target
|   |   |   |-- droppable                                       # HOC for making a component a drop container
|   |   |   |-- hoverable                                       # HOC for making a component hoverable
|   |   |   |-- interactable                                    # HOC for making a component interactable
|   |   |   |-- movable                                         # HOC for making a component movable
|   |   |   |-- reconnectable                                   # HOC for making a component reconnectable
|   |   |   |-- resizable                                       # HOC for making a component resizable
|   |   |   |-- selectable                                      # HOC for making a component selectable
|   |   |   |-- updatable                                       # HOC for making a component updatable, that means they can open a popup, which displays mode specific content
|   |   |   |-- canvas-element.tsx                              # generic canvas element (also implements the looks of hovering/select effect of elements)
|   |   |   |-- canvas-relationship.tsx                         # generic canvas relationship (also implements the looks of hovering/select effect of relationships)
|   |   |   |-- uml-element-component.tsx                       # decorates elements with features (implemented in HOC) depending on Apollon-Mode and element functionality, wrapper of every UML-Element
|   |   |   |-- uml-element-component-props.tsx                 # UML-Element specific props
|   |   |--update-pane                                          # popover which is opened when dbl clicking on an element
|   |-- i18n                                                    # translations
|   |-- packages                                                # describes appearance of available uml-diagram-type specific elements and which diagram types are available
|   |   |--common                                               # common
|   |   |--flowchart                                            # flowchart elements
|   |   |--syntax-tree                                          # syntaxtree elements
|   |   |--uml-activity-diagram                                 # activity diagram elements
|   |   |--uml-class-diagram                                    # class diagram elements
|   |   |--uml-communication-diagram                            # communication diagram elements
|   |   |--uml-component-diagram                                # component diagram elements
|   |   |--uml-deployment-diagram                               # deployment diagram elements
|   |   |--uml-object-diagram                                   # object diagram elements
|   |   |--uml-petri-net                                        # petri net elements
|   |   |--uml-reachability-graph                               # reachability graph elements
|   |   |--uml-use-case-diagram                                 # use-case diagram elements
|   |   |--component.ts                                         # mapping of UML element/relationship type to UML element component
|   |   |--compose-preview.ts                                   # type of preview compose-functions
|   |   |--diagram-type.ts                                      # exports enum of all availabel diagram types
|   |   |--popups.ts                                            # mapping of uml element types to popup content
|   |   |--uml-element-selector-type.ts                         # UML element selector types
|   |   |--uml-element-type.ts                                  # collection of all supported UML element types
|   |   |--uml-elements.ts                                      # collection of all supported UML elements
|   |   |--uml-relationship-type.ts                             # collection of all supporte UML relationship types
|   |   |--uml-relationships.ts                                 # collection of all supported UML relationships
|   |-- scenes
|   |   |-- application.tsx                                     # provides application wide providers and apollon-editor component tree
|   |   |-- application-styles.tsx                              # styles of the apollon editor layout
|   |   |-- svg.tsx                                             # builds the svg, which can be exported
|   |   |-- svg-styles.tsx                                      # styles of the svg
|   |-- services                                                # provides services which interact with global application state, which is managed by redux
|   |   |-- assessment                                          # functionality: adds/overwrites assessment + get assessment by id
|   |   |-- copypaste                                           # functionality: copy and paste uml element
|   |   |-- editor                                              # functionality: change view
|   |   |-- last-action                                         # functionality: updates last action state
|   |   |-- layouter                                            # functionality: layouts elements
|   |   |-- uml-container                                       # functionality: get container, append element to container, remove element from container
|   |   |-- uml-diagram                                         # functionality: get uml diagram, append element to uml diagram
|   |   |-- uml-element                                         # functionality: see subfolders
|   |   |   |-- connectable                                     # functionality: start, end + delete connection
|   |   |   |-- hoverable                                       # functionality: adds / removes elements from global hovered elements
|   |   |   |-- interactable                                    # functionality: adds / removes elements from global interaction elements
|   |   |   |-- movable                                         # functionality: updates UML element position
|   |   |   |-- resizable                                       # functionality: updates UML element bounds
|   |   |   |-- selectable                                      # functionality: adds / removes elements from global selected elements
|   |   |   |-- updatable                                       # functionality: adds / removes elements from global updating elements
|   |   |   |-- uml-element.ts                                  # defines the uml-element model
|   |   |   |-- uml-element-common-repository.ts                # provides creators for common actions of uml-elements
|   |   |   |-- uml-element-features.ts                         # provides type for UMLElementFeatures
|   |   |   |-- uml-element-ports.ts                            # provides IUMLElementPort, which is used as connection src and target
|   |   |   |-- uml-element-reducer.ts                          # implements state update for uml-element functionality: create, update, remove elements
|   |   |   |-- uml-element-repository.ts                       # unifies repositories of uml elements
|   |   |   |-- uml-element-saga.ts                             # implementation of side effects of uml-element actions
|   |   |   |-- uml-element-types.ts                            # types definition of uml-element-common functionality
|   |   |-- uml-relationship
|   |   |   |-- reconnectable                                   # functionality: adds / removes elements from global reconnected elements
|   |   |   |-- connections.ts                                  # algorithm for path drawing
|   |   |   |-- uml-relationship-centered-description.ts        # implements centered description in relationship functionality
|   |   |   |-- uml-relationship-common-repository.ts           # defines common repository of uml-relationships
|   |   |   |-- uml-relationship.ts                             # defines the uml-relationship model
|   |   |   |-- uml-relationship-feature.ts                     # defines the features of uml-relationships
|   |   |   |-- uml-relationship-reducer.ts                     # implements state update for uml-relationship functions
|   |   |   |-- uml-relationship-repository.ts                  # unifies all repositories of uml-relationships
|   |   |   |-- uml-relationship-saga.ts                        # implements side effects of uml-relationships
|   |   |   |-- uml-relationship-types.ts                       # defines uml-relationship action types
|   |   |-- undo                                                # functionality: undo / redo action
|   |   |-- actions.ts                                          # export type for all actions
|   |   |-- reducer.ts                                          # maps global state to reducers
|   |   |-- saga.ts                                             # unifies all sagas
|   |-- utils                                                   # provides utility code
|   |-- apollon-editor.ts                                       # exports apollon-editor functionality to library using application
|   |-- index.ts                                                # js module export
|   |-- typings.ts                                              # exports typings to library using application
|-- webpack                                                     # packaging config for apollon standalone