Adding another diagram type

Apollon currently has the following diagram types.

Diagram Types

export type UMLDiagramType = keyof typeof UMLDiagramType;
export declare const UMLDiagramType: {
    readonly ClassDiagram: "ClassDiagram";
    readonly ObjectDiagram: "ObjectDiagram";
    readonly ActivityDiagram: "ActivityDiagram";
    readonly UseCaseDiagram: "UseCaseDiagram";
    readonly CommunicationDiagram: "CommunicationDiagram";
    readonly ComponentDiagram: "ComponentDiagram";
    readonly DeploymentDiagram: "DeploymentDiagram";
    readonly PetriNet: "PetriNet";
    readonly ReachabilityGraph: "ReachabilityGraph";
    readonly SyntaxTree: "SyntaxTree";
    readonly Flowchart: "Flowchart";
    readonly BPMN: "BPMN";

To add a new diagram type, add the new diagram type inside src/main/packages/diagram-type.ts.

export type UMLDiagramType = keyof typeof UMLDiagramType;
export const UMLDiagramType = {
    Flowchart: 'Flowchart',
    NewDiagramType: 'NewDiagramType'
} as const;

Once we register the new diagram type in diagram-type.ts, we will now create a new folder inside src/main/packages, where all the elements of the new diagram type is defined.

Structure of new diagram type in the project

The tree structure of the project with the new diagram type will have schema as follows:

|-- .github
|-- docs
|-- public
|-- src
|   |-- main
|   |   |-- packages
|   |   |   |-- new-diagram-type                                        # newly created diagram
|   |   |   |   |-- index.ts                                            # defines an enum for all diagram element
|   |   |   |   |-- new-diagram-type-preview.tsx                        # xxx-preview.tsx class
|   |   |   |   |-- new-diagram-type-element-1                          # collection of UML Element 1 of Newly created diagram
|   |   |   |   |   |-- new-diagram-type-element-1.tsx                  # element 1 of Newly created diagram
|   |   |   |   |   |-- new-diagram-type-element-1-component.tsx        # visual representation of new-diagram-type-element-1 element
|   |   |   |   |   |-- new-diagram-type-element-1-update.tsx           # update logic for new-diagram-type-element-1 element
|   |   |   |   |-- new-diagram-type-element-2                          # collection of UML Element 2 of Newly created diagram
|   |   |   |   |-- ...
|   |   |   |-- common
|   |   |   |-- flowchart
|   |   |   |-- syntax-tree

The folder new-diagram-type contains all the elements of the new diagram type (new-diagram-type-element-1, new-diagram-type-element-2) along with new-diagram-type-preview.tsx class and index.ts. In index.ts we define an enum for all diagram elements.

new-diagram-type-preview.tsx is a class which creates a preview of all available newly created diagrams. This preview is used in the side-panel, which the user can use to drag new elements onto the canvas.

The visual representation of new-diagram-type-element is written in new-diagram-type-element-1-component.tsx (see Example of Visual Representation Implementation of Element) and its update logic in new-diagram-type-element-1-update.tsx new-diagram-type-element-1.tsx is a class extending UMLElement.

Once the above schema for new diagram is created, we will now import the created diagram elements type from index.ts to uml-element-type.ts (src/main/packages/uml-element-type.ts). Newly created elements are then imported to uml-elements.ts

And finally, since Apollon supports two languages, English and German, the corresponding translation strings of elements are defined in src/main/i18n folder. The German string is defined in de.json and English in en.json.

Translation of newly added diagram type

Following is the illustration of how translation strings of newly created diagram type and its elements are defined.
